else around.
Here are some photos:

click on photos to enlarge
So, the room is nice, very rustic. E 'with a sound system (not great but ok), colored lights that run the ball 70, a small station with mini-bar and socket.
The interior is up to 70 people if dinner is done seated (but that's the intention). Standing 150 also come there.
In the back room, which unfortunately has not been photographed, is available superfrigo a kitchen with stove, oven, supertinello, spaces for all the support needed. There are no fires.
bathrooms for men and women OK.
Area jackets OK.
Among the photos is not outer space which is quite huge with a pool, tennis court,
garden, space for the fireworks. E 'out of the very large, suitable for and willing to smokin'peolpe puffs of air.
There is enough space outside the entrance gate to the parking of cars.
The rent was set at € 2000. A bit 'too much in my opinion. However I think you could get a € 1500.
Hours: 05.00 Max 01.01.2008
PRO: very close to PG. Friendly place. Plant Bar. Kitchen. Bathrooms. Exterior large. Lights.
AGAINST: Max 70pers dinner. There are not any tables for dinner. Cost. Schedule.
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