BastHardi Hello friends, as every year (well, almost ...) the elections are approaching and with it the problem of choice.
We are confident that our readers more aware not reduce the last minute to decide how to vote, just inside the cabin, but will spend sleepless nights to choose the rating that best suits your personality and especially that allow to better express its originality.
Because let's face it, the slices of salami are now out of fashion, and fouls drawn in pencil sound a bit ridiculous for the older ones (oh yes, the years pass and the happy day in elementary school is a fading memory more ...)
desperate, do not worry BastHard Channel thinks about your problems and to stimulate your imagination, gives you two suggestions!
First suggestion
It 's the right choice for those who have time to invest.
Go to this site and choose the figure that more like (the pork is not bad, regarding the electoral law) or if you feel the true artists create your popup. Remember to take into the cabin
glue to secure it to the ballot, before closing it.
The wonder of the Committee at the time of the examination will be huge.

second suggestion
Less spectacular but highly effective
Get a condom, preferably used (we are in recession), insert the card, add the caption: "As in However we will put in the c. .., at least do it safely "
hope that this post has given you some food for thought, not We can only wish ... good grade!