words hurt more than the sword ...
The exact phrase was the pen hurts more than the sword, but in my case were the words ....
Today the day seemed a good start, until such time that a sentence, seemingly innocent, playful, hit me, ironically the first, then increased the discomfort, the feeling that it was not random, innocent, but a message not very cloudy, the message I received was implemented a little at a time, beginning smiling irony of the sentence, then only the smile remained on the surface, inside of me I have repeatedly offended because I do not understand to stop preclude ...... of stubborn in the things that hurt me ....
is all day that I have this thing in mind, interrupted by other thoughts, but returns, implacable, Bubbio the remains, it was a joke?, The truth is he jokes, old proverb, which, like all proverbs, always has an element of truth. . The truth ?????
is that there is not and never will be ....... and that's that ...
Fatigue is to change the horizon if it is the only one that you can see ..... Goodnight
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