"some dangerous words for power can be put at a distance and defused before they explode, simply stating that he who utters it is crazy," (Silvio I saw, the afterword to "The mothers do not seek paradise," Alda Merini)
Efrem Norte. Surveyor. Fallen to 21 years and never revived.
I write because I love poets and on the other things. I write and design to stay alive.
Life comes from a cyclone to another cyclone.
(Efrem Norte - CSM Udine)
heavy eyes pierce the night to kidnap the sunrise.
(formerly OP Collegno, Torino) ***
The seed falls on the roof and not on the ground and this is the life of the modern city. (formerly OP Santa Maria della Pietà , Rome) ***
is a round the sky, is an empty skull. Watching the sun, life is a breeze. (formerly OP Santa Margherita, Perugia) ***
not fair to think of death when even black can say something. (formerly OP Collegno Turin)
by: "The face of madness" , Reggio E. Palazzo Magnani, 2005/06
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