Monday, February 15, 2010

Where Can I Buy Wax For My Genital Area


From Easter ricominicia a full program of sailing holidays and cruises from nautical bases School of Sailing RivieraVento in Liguria, to discover the charm of life in the boat, the relaxation of a cruise along the most beautiful coastlines in the Mediterranean and, why not integrating with the holiday of sailing , where everyone can get closer safe and quiet maneuvering, and at the helm.
vacanze e crociere in barca a vela The holiday sailing allow you to live the sea in a unique, discovering and visiting secluded coves and ancient fishing villages and towns full of charm, in the natural setting of the Cote d'Azur and Provence.

Sun, sea, relaxation, Whale-watching and responsible tourism, in addition to the pleasant conviviality of life on board and a drink in the cockpit! Upcoming events


Weekend Sailing & relax in Côte d'Azur: the tried and tested formula of RivieraVento!
April 24 to 25

May 1 to 2 fee per person: 180 €

Cruise Sail Bridge Easter in Nice and the Riviera
6-7-8 March
Individual fee: 230 €

Sailing Cruise Bridge on 2 June in Provence

June 2 to 6 fee per person: 350 €

For info: mob. 347 4173297


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