Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pre Lab 8 Population Genetics And Evolution

Elections, voting instructions

BastHardi Hello friends, as every year (well, almost ...) the elections are approaching and with it the problem of choice.

We are confident that our readers more aware not reduce the last minute to decide how to vote, just inside the cabin, but will spend sleepless nights to choose the rating that best suits your personality and especially that allow to better express its originality.

Because let's face it, the slices of salami are now out of fashion, and fouls drawn in pencil sound a bit ridiculous for the older ones (oh yes, the years pass and the happy day in elementary school is a fading memory more ...)
desperate, do not worry BastHard Channel thinks about your problems and to stimulate your imagination, gives you two suggestions!

First suggestion
It 's the right choice for those who have time to invest.

Go to this site and choose the figure that more like (the pork is not bad, regarding the electoral law) or if you feel the true artists create your popup. Remember to take into the cabin
glue to secure it to the ballot, before closing it.
The wonder of the Committee at the time of the examination will be huge.

second suggestion
Less spectacular but highly effective

Get a condom, preferably used (we are in recession), insert the card, add the caption: "As in However we will put in the c. .., at least do it safely "

hope that this post has given you some food for thought, not We can only wish ... good grade!

Did you like the article? Rate Ok or No. Thank you very much!

You can vote in my news this page.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Proposal For A New Television Program Example

words hurt more than the sword ...

The exact phrase was the pen hurts more than the sword, but in my case were the words ....
Today the day seemed a good start, until such time that a sentence, seemingly innocent, playful, hit me, ironically the first, then increased the discomfort, the feeling that it was not random, innocent, but a message not very cloudy, the message I received was implemented a little at a time, beginning smiling irony of the sentence, then only the smile remained on the surface, inside of me I have repeatedly offended because I do not understand to stop preclude ...... of stubborn in the things that hurt me ....
is all day that I have this thing in mind, interrupted by other thoughts, but returns, implacable, Bubbio the remains, it was a joke?, The truth is he jokes, old proverb, which, like all proverbs, always has an element of truth. . The truth ?????
is that there is not and never will be ....... and that's that ...
Fatigue is to change the horizon if it is the only one that you can see ..... Goodnight

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Outdoor Wood Furnace Thermostats

remember, nonsense ... messed up reasoning in a single container

love ..... love every day I remember for a long time to shake your hands and watch your eyes, I might forget to talk, tell you something, but I can not forget.
every day I would, I would, maybe I will ......
one day if God wanted .......
But I have no credit with him, he owes me nothing, you can ask him just to have something .... in fact, probably something I should forgive me first ....
We all have something to forgive us, even the most virtuous, and I have never belonged to this category, I tried, more or less convinced, but subconsciously I always thought it did not deserve any help ..
phrases seemingly without connection and relationship, therefore confusing to the Easter Vigil, two hours of criticism of myself, in the background the voice of the pastor, the thought of never having been a great believer, the question of being more than I thought more than others who are there just out of habit ....
thought .... but why should I listen?, Why me?, I have heard so much ...... and while I feel I have spent years you lose the road, perhaps trying to recover now and in the future, I ask myself, but I, so when I became a believer?? I am, or not, or is it just the place, the reverberation of words, suggestion, the fact of being there, trying to figure out if other people are there because they really believe what they hear or is it an attitude, a habit to rite ...
Who knows, but tonight I awake, I feel different from others .... maybe I'm having a mystical illumination?? Or I just started to think more, do self-criticism, it is easier to draw conclusions at this time, in these environments, the words I hear, the sound of the organ of no importance, that's what I feel inside that matters ...
I understand, I understand people who feel comforted by this ....
If something makes you feel good, if your conscience feel okay, why not do it ....??? It is not bigotry or otherwise, does not impose anything on anyone, is to find something within us that in certain situations, environments, concentration, can escape, show our eyes .... senire Let's avoid the duty to confess .. ..... remedy, we prevent our actions, let us make no mistake, no one is perfect but we can strive ......
close my premise that I will not go to Mass on Sunday, but maybe I gather my thoughts every now and then, in an orderly confusion, sometimes is good ....

Monday, March 10, 2008

Average Ccda Salary 2010

Creation 2

Once before I wrote a post on the fact of creating people, and although I had been warned by myself, I continued to do so unconsciously ... I continued to build a person I want on a person exists, without noticing that the two were incompatible.
I'm realizing that probably the person I want to create will never exist, perhaps because I believe in things that do not exist, I believe that if a person loves qualcunoo in the meantime should not concern itself with another, which should not try to diminish his image, enhance its defects and show them to others, let him or her with friends in an ironic or critical, in fact often reveal intimate things.
I think that anyone who loves a person should give up other things by choice, not because it affected ..
I think if you love someone, even if unpaid, does not mean you have to try to alleviate the pain with others who already know they can not take its place, when you realize the deception that you do to yourself is worse than before. ..
So, if you feel destiny, we warned, that clearly shows you're wrong, why do not you stop?? Why
persisting in a creation that you already know to be sterile, without fruit, without a future?
Why so you would not have you, you would not be the dreamer idiot who says he is not religious but it is more of a sanctimonious priest who does not like ostentation, vulgarity free, which perhaps was to be born 1000 years ago?
What was wrong a lot, too, but not rifarebbe more choices dictated by haste, fear of solitude, from thinking that they can not get what he wanted from life, but the wrong time, people have messed up most of his life? ?
All that is past has led to the present, to my thinking now that it has returned to that of the teenage boy who dreamed of one day to have everything and anything, that instead of fixed points disappeared behind the realities that make up the existence ..
This reasoning does not stop me, however, to persevere, to be so, believing that sooner or later some of my creations will exceed my imagination, someone who will not need my work "plasmazione" I want to be like ......
Hopefully soon, for now formless clay .....

Monday, March 3, 2008

Play Pokemon Red Onlin

Spring Awakening

I do not need to look at the calendar to know that spring arrives.
I feel the smell, thin, light, I see him in the eyes of a woman, I read it in his face wrapped in the blue, I see it in the air, more light, soft, intangible, full of feeling better than those of gray winter.
I wish I could soar in the air, along with the swallows, a dance from cloud to cloud, like bees, tap the most beautiful flowers, the most beautiful flower .... ......
Spring inflames the heart of new dreams, renew old ones, upload the minds of new resolutions, new strength from us, renews our hopes .......
Who cares if nothing happens then ... after the summer, autumn and winter there will always be another spring, the seasons are four, but in life there are many more ....
could always be spring .......